Office24 contracts Numintec’s cloud-based telephony solution

Office24 is relying on Numintec’s cloud-based telephony solution to improve their call center and be more efficient when it comes to receiving and managing orders. With the integration with their current CRM of the company SAI (“Interactive Access Systems”) allows them to receive calls and manage them automatically from the same CRM. In addition, they have also opted for the mobility of their workers with the CloudSoftphone solution, which allows them to take their extension to their mobile phone through an App and be available to all their customers from anywhere.

Office24 is a leading company in Europe in the supply of office equipment, school materials and furniture for companies. Mainly, they offer Pay As You Go programs, printing services, graphic design and recycling of consumables, paper, batteries and electronics. For this reason, they have a wide range of products and more than 20,000 references that cover almost any need in different types of companies and sectors.


COACB relies on Numintec’s solution to upgrade their telephony system

At Numintec, we continue to focus on the implementation of our cloud telephony solution in the Official Schools of Barcelona. In this case, the COACB (Colegio de Agentes Comerciales de Barcelona) has relied on Numintec’s solution to upgrade their telephony systems with very different technological functionalities. One of the main objectives of the COACB is to improve the loyalty of its members through the intelligence in the calls received and the approach with the member. They have also decided to rely on Numintec to continue to help them improve their infrastructure and Internet connections.

The Colegio Oficial de Agentes Comerciales de Barcelona (COACB) is a registered association with its own personality jurídica, established on 1926 and protected by the Professional Associations Act. With its extensive experience, it has consolidated its position as a reference point for commercial agents of Catalonia.

IVIDA contracts our InvoxContact and PBX solution

We are pleased to announce that IVIDA is improving its technology by installing our complete InvoxContaxt Advanced Contact Center solution and our PBX system to optimize its telephony system and increase in efficiency.

From now on, workers will be able to enjoy the advantages offered by our products, such as intelligent routing based on multiple criteria, voiceover management, schedule and calendar management, advanced management of waiting queues, real-time call recording, multi-conferencing, and many more that you can discover here.

About IVIDA:

IVIDA is a cord blood bank belonging to IVI, the largest reproductive medicine group in the world, where more than 160,000 children have been conceived. IVI is the only Spanish cord blood bank that collects, analyzes, processes, cryopreserves and stores stem cells from umbilical cord blood, with the guarantee that it will be managed entirely by company employees, without the need for intermediaries. This bank has numerous FACT-Netcord accreditations and commits itself to the families to store only umbilical cord blood that is of sufficient quality for possible use.

Agencia Fernández de Sola expands 61 extensions at its headquarters in Barcelona

The Fernández de Sola Agency, a leading company in the national and international freight forwarders and customs brokers sector, is in the midst of a phase of expansion, and this past month they have increased their staff by 61 new agents.

AFS’ line of business is based on the application of the latest logistics technologies and the mastery of information sources, combined with a team of people who are focused on providing the best service to their customers. For this reason, they have also decided to improve their relationship with Numintec, which will provide each of the new agents with the necessary extensions to enable the management and monitoring of incoming and outgoing communications services for Voice, Video, SMS, Chat and many other advantages.

These solutions will allow them to continue offering their services with maximum reliability and quality assurance. All this accompanied by an excellent customer service and total control of goods thanks to their online service. optimizes its telephone system with the InvoxPBX solution has contracted Numintec’s InvoxPBX solution for all its users at its headquarters in Sant Cugat (Barcelona).

Founded in 2000 in Barcelona, is the only Spanish portal of the buying and selling sector between companies and professionals, featuring an international offer in 12 countries (Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Poland and Morocco). The solidity of is guaranteed by the more than 5,000 transactions that are managed every day from worldwide.


  • More than 50,000 suppliers
  • More than 2.5 million products available
  • More than 15 million page views per month
  • More than 5.5 million monthly visits
  • More than 1.5 million purchasing contacts annually


  • More than 15,000 suppliers
  • More than 13 million page views per month
  • More than 4 million monthly visits


Atrápalo installs Numintec’s Contact Center in Latin America

Atrápalo expands its agreement with Numintec by installing three Contact Centers in the Latin American cities of Chile, Argentina and Mexico. In this way, the leisure platform reaffirms the trust placed in our company for two and a half years now.

Numintec’s Contact Center enables the management of inbound and outbound communications services for Voice, Video, SMS or Chat and can be integrated with CRM, ERP and other business apps. Numintec has installed this solution in organizations in several industries and in most countries around the world.

Numintec cuenta con numerosos clientes en el sector del ocio, entre los cuales Atrápalo destaca por su modelo de éxito. Esta plataforma de promoción de ofertas que nació como una startup en el año 2000, se ha convertido en una empresa internacional que a día de hoy ofrece descuentos en espectáculos, restaurantes, hoteles, vuelos, viajes organizados, conciertos, alquiler de coches y muchas más actividades.

Numintec has numerous customers in the leisure sector, among which Atrápalo stands out for its successful model. This platform, created as a startup in 2000, has become an international company that today offers discounts on shows, restaurants, hotels, flights, organized trips, concerts, car rentals and many more activities.