ZINVOX is already in the Zoho CRM market

Good news for Zoho lovers! Finally, our Zinvox solution for Zoho CRM is already on the Zoho market, any customer can integrate it in our system. From today on, you can use the Zoho CRM phone bridge integrated in the NUMINTEC system!

Zoho PhoneBridge connects telephony and contactcenter systems with the Zoho solution suite in a very simple way.

The Zoho PhoneBridge feature also makes it easy for contact center agents to quickly access important details about customers and potential customers. With this feature, Zoho CRM provides a platform for managing incoming and outgoing calls. Not only that, it reminds you of scheduled calls and also identifies the caller and provides their details to the customer’s record in Zoho CRM.

The integration of Zoho CRM with Zinvox contributes to improving the experience of your customers. By using the notification screen of the incoming call, the clickable dial and the automatic registration of received and outgoing calls, you can reach a more personalized management, increasing the degree of loyalty and avoiding the loss of business opportunities.

Any Zoho user in the world can find us if they are looking for telephony integrations and soon we will also be in the Zoho helpdesk tool. Such a good news!

The Managing Director of Numintec, Albino Campo, new President of the Digital Cluster of Catalonia

The Managing Director of Numintec, Albino Campo, has been appointed as the new President of the Digital Cluster of Catalonia, after the assembly held today in the entity.

Albino Campo replaces Xavier Monzó, who has been in charge of the Board of Directors and is, in turn, Director of the ICA Group in Catalonia. Monzó has focused its work on 3 main areas: Innovation and product, Pull large companies-SME’s and Inter-Cluster. Albino Campo has thanked the good work of the outgoing president.

The assembly took place on the Digital Cluster Day, a day dedicated to make thoughts on the technological and competitive challenges in the business and economic environment. This event has been made up by 3 round tables in which we have hold discussions on Cybersecurity Investment Trends, Digital Transformation from customer experience to process optimization, and Big Data Economy in Catalonia. The Secretary of Telecommunications, Cybersecurity and Digital Society of the Generalitat, Jordi Puigneró, has closed the session.

The Digital Cluster of Catalonia is a meeting place between companies, entities and research groups with a passion: digital innovation. Congratulations Albino!

Sectoral solution for professional associations

Numintec together with Pro Activity Consulting, join forces to promote digital transformation in professional associations, focusing on the improvement of service to its members thanks to the omnichannel of Numintec’s communications solutions, which integrate phone, email, fax, sms and social networks into a single platform, facilitating greater agility in response and optimizing internal resources to increase productivity and improve competitiveness.
As success stories we highlight the Barcelona Pharmacists ‘Association, the Architects’ Association of Catalonia, the Professional Association of Property Administrators of Madrid and the Andalusian Council of Professional Associations of Veterinarians.

The smart commerce that bets on Numintec solutions

Verifone Portugal commits to the solution Contact Center in the cloud of Numintec, with the aim of increasing its efficiency and customer management capacity. Numintec’s contact center platform also allows for advanced statistics and real-time monitoring of calls, creating incoming call flows, welcome logs, menus to derive calls to different agents and departments or sending messages from voice to email, among other applications.

Verifone is currently the trusted partner of the most important companies, institutions and organizations in the world that seek to anticipate and manage the complexities of means of payment. Verifone has the people, technology and experience of more than 30 years to transform daily transactions into new opportunities for business.

Numintec collaborates with ‘La Nit de les Telecomunicacions’

Numintec has collaborated once again with the ‘ 23rd Nit de les Telecomunicacions i la Informàtica ‘, the meeting between professionals and entities in the ICT sector in Catalunya, which hosts the awards ‘Salvà i Campillo’, ‘Alan Turing’ and the ‘Honor de La Nit’ Award, granted jointly by the Catalan Association of Engineers Telecommunications ( Telecos.cat ) and the Official College of Computer Engineering of Catalonia ( COEINF ).


23rd Nit of Telecommunications and Information Technology

The ‘Honor de la Nit’ Award has been awarded to Pilar Conesa , founder and CEO of Anteverti. The ‘Salvà i Campillo Award for Outstanding Personality’ was awarded ex aequo to Ana Ripoll, president of the Bioinformatics Association Barcelona (BIB), and Andreu Veà, pioneer of Internet and entrepreneur. As for the ‘Salvà i Campillo Award for Entrepreneurship’, the award has been for Mónica Roca, a Telecommunications engineer with more than 20 years of experience in the field of space. The ‘Alan Turing to the CIO of the Year’ Award wanted to highlight the professional work of Miguel Ángel Iglesias, CIO of Volkswagen Group España Distribución (VGED) and the ‘Alan Turing to Social Commitment’ Prize has been for the doctor in Telecommunications Eva Vidal, for her intense work at the time of incorporating the concept of sustainability in the ICT area.

The jury of this 23rd Nit has also wanted to highlight the informative work carried out by the newspaper La Vanguardia awarding it the ‘Award for Communication and Disclosure of ICT’ for its section “Trends”, that keeps a constant look at the impact of ICT in our society from all possible perspectives. On the other hand, the ‘Prize for Digital Transformation’ was for Cisco,  award that values the contribution of this institution to the development of the digital society.


Finally, the organizers of the Nit paid a small tribute to three entities that commemorate 50 years of history and are a reference for the ICT sector:

  • the Association of Computer Technicians (ATI)
  • the Catalan Federation of Telecommunications Installers (Feceminte)
  • and the Spanish Association for the Internationalization of Electronics, Computing and Telecommunications companies (Secartys).

Numintec sponsors the women’s world championship “42nd edition of the Ciutat de Barcelona”

Under the slogan “Women and the Sword, a unique experience”, the best swords in the world have gathered at the 42nd edition of the International Trophy “Ciutat de Barcelona”, a test of the world cup of fencing, in the form of female sword, cataloged by the Fédération Internationale d’Escrime as category “A”.

A total of 243 shooters and 27 teams from 45 different countries, among which are the first 10 shooters in the world ranking and all the shooters that have been part of the last podiums of both the Olympic Games and the World Championships, from Europe, Asia and America, have participated in this event organized by the Federació Catalana d’Esgrima and the Royal Spanish Fencing Federation.

Numintec, in its commitment to women’s sports, has sponsored the championship, and has wanted to give their friends and family a 4-hour clinic taught by professionals of this sport. A real pleasure!

Numintec awarded with the South Region Innovation Award

This week, at the Colt Channel Partner Community held in Prague, which was attended by more than 300 companies from the European Union, Numintec has been awarded with the South Region Innovation Award as the most innovative Partner of 2017, thus renewing the prize obtained also in 2016.

The Annual Partner Kick Off in which the ceremony took place, was held on February 6 and 7 in Prague and allowed us to maintain an enriching dialogue with companies in the digital sector and telecommunications.

We greatly appreciate the recognition and we will continue betting on continuous innovation to offer the best service to our customers.

Numintec sponsors the 42 International City of Barcelona Fencing Tournament

In the context of its commitment to sport, Numintec sponsors the 42th International City of Barcelona Fencing Tournament that will take place on 9, 10 and 11 February at INEFC Barcelona organized by the Catalan Fencing Federation, the Royal Spanish Fencing Federation and the International Fencing Federation.

On the 9th and 10th of February, the individual events will take place and on February 11, the team will take part.
More information at esgrima.cat 

Agreement with Eudo Marketing to distribute Numintec solutions in Guatemala

Numintec has reached an agreement with the company specialized in capturing new business opportunities Eudo Marketing to distribute Numintec solutions in Guatemala. On one hand, it offers implementation consulting with the comprehensive analysis of the current business needs, recommendation of the best solution and / or applications, configuration, migration and adoption of technologies. It also provides an analysis of the current training needs for the correct use of the tools and maximum use of them. It also offers administration and support services for all Cloud solutions. Finally, he emphasizes that his vision is to be the integral Partner of Cloud, his mission is to be the Cloud services company focused on offering value-added solutions to our clients and their values of customer orientation, teamwork, high specialization, service vocation , innovation and perseverance.

Condis bets on the Numintec Contact Center platform

The supermarket company Condis has chosen the Numintec Contact Center solution that allows the management of incoming and outgoing communications services operating 100% in cloud computing and paying for use and not for investment. In addition, the contact center platform of Numintec has been integrated with the management tools of Condis.

On the other hand, with the contact center in the cloud the telephony and the computer services of Condis are part of the same data network, thus sharing the common information, improving the management and productivity of the company. All this with guaranteed security with redundant data and monitored 365 days a year.

The contact center platform of Numintec also allows Condis to have advanced statistics and real-time monitoring of calls, creating incoming call flows, welcome logs, menus to derive calls to different agents and departments or sending from voice messages to email, among other applications.